Lately, a work-life balance is considered a proper answer to low productivity, burnout, and stress overloading issues. It could be a solution for what it sounds. However, we don’t hear much from people who have it or about the real benefits they reap. Is it a thing or just a theory we like to marvel at in hopes it’ll come true one day? What do they even mean by work-life balance?

What Is Work-Life Balance?

The subject appears a bit confusing when you dive into it. It seems like there is no single definition everyone is happy with. While for some it stands for a balance between work and personal responsibilities, others perceive it as a possibility to manage personal life conveniently regardless of working hours. Another point matters as well: each given individual measures priorities differently.

A work-life balance actual implementation won’t be the same for a young career-oriented graduate and a middle-aged single mother. Something measured in personal satisfaction is hard to convey in one definition suitable for all. The main idea though sounds like this: when work-life balance is achieved and maintained, a person can manage both working and personal life with equal efficacy. But why is it hard for most?

Work-Life Balance: What’s in a Way?

What are the main reasons a work-life balance is hard to reach? They are multiple and change pretty rapidly. Let’s analyze some of them.

  • Hustle culture. This means defining one’s self-worth with their professional success. It equates constant busyness and exhaustion with productivity and success, glorifying effort for its own sake without emphasizing satisfaction or meaningful, complex results. Those, who still view it as valid often overlook the mental and physical toll it takes, insisting that a busy work life is the sole measure of a person’s value. The idea does not make much sense, as our lives are much more than just our work, however, many people are still fine with it.
  • Constant online presence. With the internet available almost everywhere 24/7, some businesses expect their employees to react all over the clock which messes with working time and personal time boundaries. For the sake of business efficiency, one more Zoom call or work letter is considered acceptable to happen outside of working hours. This tendency has been widely opposed by the workforce in recent years, as people have grown to value their time more with all the informational overload we experience nowadays.
  • Lack of flexibility among employers. This aspect is complex due to individual interpretations of balance and the diverse goals people strive to achieve when seeking harmony between work and life. While working from home is beneficial for some, allowing a comfortable combination of work duties and chores during the day, for others it means constant destruction and multitasking they would like to avoid. That’s why flexibility in organizing working processes is important to achieve better results.

Actual Steps to Take

How do you achieve work-life balance? How do we overcome all of it to reach the destination where we are successful at work and happy at home? There are many options to consider and approaches to try. Let’s start with what an employee could do:

  1. Separate work time and personal time and establish boundaries for others considering the matter. The ability to fully concentrate on what you’re doing is important whether it is your work or personal time. Try not to allow one spread into another to keep enough resources dedicated to either.
  2. Remember to take breaks. While at work, establish and maintain certain cycles to allow yourself some rest. Working successfully does not mean working yourself to exhaustion. Keep your head clear with some needed destruction here and there.
  3. Bring some variety in how you spend your leisure time. Hobbies and social activities provide satisfaction and joy that help you get a proper mental refreshment. 
  4. Don’t skip on vacations. When overworked—get some rest. Even if you are afraid your career may suffer if you allow yourself two weeks out of work right now, take them and use the time to get back in shape. Most likely, your perspectives won’t change in two weeks, and when the opportunity presents itself you will be ready to hop on. 
  5. Consider exploring to modern solutions and implementing them for better self-management. If you can utilize a virtual assistant to make your work easier, do it. Use all the advantages recent tech solutions offer to make it easier. Remember to constantly revise your working methods and seek a simpler approach to complex tasks.
  6. Monitor your mental and physical state to ensure you don’t harm either while trying to be better or move faster. You’ll want to fully appreciate the rewards of your hard work when they arrive, rather than spending your time and resources seeking medical assistance. Set your priorities straight. There’s no one guaranteed formula for everyone; you need to decide for yourself what matters first. If you feel you want and can afford to put more energy and mental resources into your work, it’s fine. If you’re inclined to prioritize your family, it’s fine as well. Learn what you want and act accordingly.  

The important thing to understand here is it can’t be done by just an employee. An employer should also put effort into helping workers balance their work and personal life. But what do employers get by offering more freedom and flexibility to their employees? 

First of all, people-oriented and flexible companies get better employees. Reputation means a lot and with the ability to share experiences, the most skilled candidates prefer to choose companies that value their workers.

When it comes to productivity, a work-life balance also benefits all involved. Healthy, rested, satisfied workers are effective and tend to bring better results than those overworked ones, while the latter seems more dedicated and busier. The thing is actual physical and mental state hugely influence how we operate, the decisions we make, and the results we bring to the table, no matter the area of life. People who are not constantly miserable tend to function better.

A separate topic that deserves attention is the mental ability to cope with the load, as humanity walks forward faster than a single human can adapt. This area deserves its research and study; for now, everybody seems extremely overwhelmed and tired 24/7. Some encouragement and cheer-ups won’t hurt, but first of all, employees should try to eliminate the confusion where possible. Have clear standards, set goals, and ensure clear and open communication.

So, what can an employer offer their workers to help them maintain a good work-life balance?

  1. Flexibility is the key. People are different. A single approach to everyone won’t do it if the full potential of every worker is to be unleashed. While some work from home perfectly fine, others need constant communication and updating. A hybrid working scheme has proved rather effective for many and should be further explored to get the best out of it.
  2. Encourage breaks and provide paid vacations. Monitor your employees to timely determine if someone lost the grip on their dedication. Some people struggle with self-check-ups, and that’s where an HR department should intervene. Encourage proper rest and distraction to welcome them back recharged and refreshed.
  3. Pay attention to what the work environment is like at your company. Nip toxic tendencies in the bud, and ensure a trustworthy, open, and positive atmosphere to help your workforce concentrate on the work and exclude unnecessary drama at the workplace. Pay attention to overcompetitive ones who bring extra tension or tend to prove themselves at others’ expense. Celebrate real achievements and recognize personal contributions.
  4. Emphasize the importance of work-life balance and communicate with your employees to discover new ways of achieving it.


In today’s fast-paced world, finding balance and taking a reasonable approach to work and personal life is essential, especially given the challenges we’ve faced in recent years. It is necessary to achieve results and satisfaction in every area of life and have enough strength to maintain both equally well. So why don’t we hear from those who have achieved this precious balance? The answer is simple, they live their lives happily and don’t have reasons or time to boast about it to everyone. With some effort put into it, a proper work-life balance is pretty manageable and helpful in living your life to the fullest. 


Maria Kot is our chief HR expert, so she knows everything about recruiting. Her profound understanding of managing human talent, along with a keen eye for human psychology, make her recruiting-related blog posts such an exciting read. And, even though Maria did not choose writing as her profession, she gladly shares her talent with us.